As an afterthought (likely a mistake), my parents were old, having a fourth child. My siblings were off getting married. Thus I was alone a lot as a child. We didn’t have a television so books were my escape while listening to the orchestra tunes of ‘CFRB 1010 on your dial’. I was lost in books. And when the library in the basement of the local united church burned out, I pedalled my bike to the bookmobile that parked in the local school parking lot Tuesdays and Thursdays. It didn’t take long before I’d read all the books in my age group and found myself reaching for more adult literature. Sometimes the librarian would take one or two out of my stack. “A little too informative,” she’d admonish. … My parents were both avid readers. Although English came to them in middle age. My dad read The Globe & Mail every morning while eating breakfast with the cat at his feet. Mom craved Harlequin romances to help improve her English skills. …I love to read anything and everything. One day I’ll likely need to reinforce the foundation of the house below my bookshelves. I still like to hold a book as opposed to a kindle.

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Gary that was beautiful and rich and familiar in that we grew up in a house of books too! newspapers, magazines and books were everywhere including the laundry basket!

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